While very diverse, my aesthetic approach often involves distinct sense of play and global vision, aiming to put the fun in functional. Strategically, our work aims to elevate brands offerings by distilling core messaging down to its clearest and fresh visual values. While very diverse, our aesthetic approach often involves distinct sense of play, aiming to put the fun in functional.Our aim is to investigate the processes of type design — and design itself — as a non-dogmatic practice. Stressing the form, stretching the concepts up to corrupting rules and misuse of tools. We like to conceive typography as system and medium. Strategically, our work aims to elevate brand offerings by distilling core messaging down to its clearest and freshest visual form.
Åbent Hospital
Nyt Hospital Nordsjælland åbner én dag om året byggepladsen for befolkningen. Se materialet der forklarer byggeriets…
ESG-rapportering der hæver barren
Et tæt og udviklende samarbejde med AKF har resulteret i denne årsrapport med en ESG-rapportering der får stor…
Gateway til grøn teknologi
Ny branding for Risø som Danmarks førende forskningsmiljø inden for bæredygtige energiformer og -systemer, beliggende i…
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